• In the age of computers, mobile devices and apps, it’s time for all businesses to adopt the latest GPS technology to locate their drivers in real-time, lower fuel costs, manage driver behavior, ensure on-time deliveries and to improve the security of vehicle fleets. GPS Tracking will bring your business one step ahead of your competitors.


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  • Over the span of a few years, IoT solutions from impact sensors to telematics have advanced the industry to the point that about 25% of the market uses telematics integrated through mounted or mobile computers.

    As per the study, there were 15 billion connected devices in 2015 and they will rise to 50 billion by 2020–a staggering rise of 333% since 2012 in the number of IoT devices.

    The report further indicates that the Logistics Industry would be the biggest beneficiary of IoT.

    IoT in smart logistics management has enabled the pallet and item-level tagging by using the low-cost identification devices. RFID tags can be attached to inventories to know the real-time inventory available inside the warehouse.

    The business benefits are significant. Fleet Management minimises the risks associated with vehicle investment; it improves efficiency, productivity while reducing overall transportation and staff costs. It addresses key transportation issues: late arrivals and empty trucks. More than 40% of inbound transports arrive late; in addition, there is an obvious need to reduce the number of empty trucks on the roads.

    Key performance indicators included: a huge increase in loads while retaining the same number of employees; direct access to real-time data; no need for check calls and a better overview of the whole transportation process.



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  • Children are the most important part of every family. From the moment they are born, we cherish them and do everything to protect them. Losing track of a child is the most terrifying experience for any parent and it occurs more than we'd like, unfortunately. Malls, fairs, events or any crowded setting is full of people with bad intentions as well as provide an excellent environment for a child to get lost. Children, even toddlers, can run a long distance in a few moments and that is all it takes for a child to go missing sometimes. Busy parents lose track of their children all the time, that is why you need an ace up your sleeve in situations like these. You can never know what happened to a child and an opportunistic criminal may abduct them in their vulnerable state.

    Keeping an eye on your little ones can be difficult at times but modern technology has made the job a bit easier. There is now a wide range of safety wearables that are specifically designed for kids. Some use radio-waves and those are great for short distance monitoring. Others are more sophisticated and use a GPS signal to pinpoint exactly on a smartphone map the location of your child. Naturally, the biggest and most obvious benefit is knowing where your kids are at any given moment and not having to worry. 

    Keep Your Children Safe With GPS

    Child tracking devices or GPS trackers are gadgets specifically designed for kids. Its tiny size and lightweight materials make it easy for children to carry the device with them. It can be worn as a bracelet, watch, or attached as a keychain in the bag, or put into a pocket.

    The global positioning system (GPS) is a network composed of 30 satellites that orbit the earth. A GPS unit receives the radio signals that the satellites broadcast in the speed of light. The trackers are activated via a subscription service and give out the precise position in real time using radio frequency and satellite radio technology.

    Parents can also enjoy setting a “safe area” with their device. They will be alerted if the child goes beyond the perimeter they set. The device uses loud beeps or sound alerts through the application to give parents the convenience of immediately locating their child in case this happens. This has proven to be effective when protecting children from dangerous situations like child abduction and children who venture into unsafe areas.

    With the increasing number of threats, it has become imperative to keep your child safe from the unknown dangers. Technology has the means to make your life easier in general, and GPS technology can remove much of the parenting guesswork in particular. With the advent of technology, along with the enormous challenges, it has brought some exciting and smart means of knowing about your kid’s activities using some of the best GPS tracking device and parental control apps. As a parent, you have enough to worry about when it comes to keeping your children safe. Child tracking devices can help you keep your kids safe and give you some peace of mind that you’ll have help finding them in the event of an emergency.


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  • According to a research,  GPS tracking systems can increase a fleet’s productivity and vehicle utilization over 10% and 15% respectively and reduce fuel consumption by 20-25%, idle time by 20-30%, miles driven by 5-10% and overtime by 10-15%. Additionally, fleet management systems increase time saved in labor to 30 minutes per day, per driver. GPS technology is vital for businesses but the benefits to the drivers can’t be ignored as well. It couldn’t come at a better time for the commercial driver, whose role has become more challenging than ever before – a development thanks to the private tech companies and GPS.

     How Fleet Management System Can Transform Fleet Business Industry

    Fleet managers with access to the tracking platform can monitor the real-time movements of the vehicles on a map with the help of a mobile device or a computer. OBD-II tracking devices monitor fuel consumption, emissions, and other engine and vehicle performance metrics and report them in real-time along with the regular data GPS units. If atruck in a fleet are using more fuel on route B, the fleet operator can identify the situation by analyzing the fuel reports and reroute the trucks on route A rather, thus saving on fuel cost. Telematics data will also tell if a driver is dispaying reckless behavior behind the wheel and endanger the vehicle and himself.

    With the help of the fuel monitoring device, a fleet manager can find out the causes of fuel waste throughout the fleet. Through the help of the multi-signal output facility of the electronic measuring gauge, you can view the right amount of oil need. The high precision feature will provide you the indication of its capacity. Because fleet management systems are easily scalable, they can deliver optimum results for fleets of all types and sizes. Whether you run a service business with 5 or 500 vehicles; a countrywide agency with thousands of cars, trucks, and in-field assets; or anything in between, you can reduce operational costs while operating your entire fleet more efficiently.



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  • Since the 1980s, GPS tracking devices have advanced tremendously and they are being used in every aspect of our daily lives now. From small fleets to massive companies, every business takes advantage of the numerous features of GPS tracking devices. Personal GPS tracking devices are being used by families and companies all around the world to track employees and family members.

    You can protect your loved ones, track vehicles and assets with a personal tracker with ease. Personal trackers are small tracking devices that can be placed or concealed in a bag or clothing easily. With a magnetic case, they can be attached to a motorcycle or a vehicle as well. With the help of a GPS tracking platform, you can locate family members and assets in real-time anywhere at all times. 

    Especially for small vehicles like mopeds or scooters, you need extra security measures to protect them from being stolen. The latest crime wave in London suggests that not only your scooter is in constant danger of being stolen, it can also be used in a crime after the theft.  For this reason, installing a concealed portable GPS tracker is essential to recover your scooter in the event of a theft. With the precise location provided by the tracking platform, you can alert the authorities and inform them about the location of your bike. As a result, you will have the stolen motorcycle back quickly. Check out this Youtube video review about a similar product that you will find useful. 



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